


Hindu Nationalism and the New Jim Crow – Fallacy 5

Before the White Europeans segregated and exterminated Indians and plundered India, the Hindus of India had to endure a different kind of segregation and enslavement by Muslim invaders between the 13th and 18th centuries. Ibn Battuta clearly states the following: "After this I proceeded to the city of Barwan, in the road to which is a high mountain, covered with snow and exceedingly cold; they call it the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu-slayer, because most of the slaves brought thither from India die on account of the intenseness of the cold."

Hindu Nationalism and the New Jim Crow – Fallacy 4

While the European Whites were segregating and exterminating Native Americans in the United States, their counterparts were running their very own eradication campaign in India. During a span of four decades, from 1880 to 1920, British colonial rule resulted in the death of 100 million Indians. The derogatory term “coolies”, derived from the Urdu word “kuli,” meaning slave, was indicative of the disdainful attitude towards Indian indentured workers. These plantations were referred to as “Naraka,” a Sanskrit term signifying “hell" in the Hindu religious terminology.

Hindu Nationalism and the New Jim Crow – Fallacy 3

Until 1978, it was legal for the U.S. government to forcibly remove Native children from their families and compel them to attend these boarding schools. One such school adopted the slogan “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.”During a recent panel discussion organized by The Red Nation, an organization advocating for Native American rights, Professor Melanie Yazzie from the University of Minnesota (UMN) labeled the U.S. as “the greatest predator empire that has ever existed.”

Hindu Nationalism and the New Jim Crow – Fallacy 2

It is essential to grasp the nature of American academia to comprehend why Ivy League Professors and Students might produce research papers that need more logical coherence. Michael Witzel of Harvard University questioned Wendy Doniger's (from The University of Chicago) proficiency in understanding Vedic Sanskrit. Eric Stewart, a Criminology Professor at Florida State University, was let go due to "extreme negligence, incompetence, and false results" in his research. In addition to plagiarizing others' ideas, American academics are skilled at appropriating others' identities. This list needs to be expanded to include academics who write questionable research papers to advance their ideologies and the agenda of their foreign donors.

Hindu Nationalism and the New Jim Crow – Fallacy 1

African Americans were involuntarily transported across the Atlantic and enslaved. They remained in bondage for several centuries, and even after the abolition of slavery, they continued to face discrimination. For over a thousand years, until 1765, Muslims in India were rulers and conquerors, not enslaved people. Hindus were the subjects of a profitable slave trade that stretched from India to Tashkent, Samarkand, and Baghdad. The comparison of the situation of Indian Muslims to that of African Americans is so evidently illogical that it is surprising anyone could have conceived it.

Harvard Kicks Out Ajantha Subramanian

Harvard Anthropology professor and former Department Chair Ajantha Subramanian has left Cambridge to teach at the City University of New York, citing a lack of support from Harvard’s administration in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations against three Anthropology professors.…