Harvard’s Dalit Poster Boy – Suraj Yengde

Suraj Yengde, a Fellow at Harvard’s prestigious Kennedy School, has become the central figure popularising the Afro-Dalit movement. He has jumped on the bandwagon blaming American racism on the Indian caste system and his popularity is built around the theme that “caste is the mother of all problems”. In fact, he openly espouses hatred for Brahmins, branding them as criminals and calling for their persecution. Given the clout of Harvard University and the support it has given him, he has rapidly pushed Hinduphobia into the mainstream. Suraj Yengde anoints himself as Dr BR Ambedkar’s successor. But he propagates a carefully-framed Marxist application in an Afro-Dalit shell. He fails to imbibe Ambedkar’s patriotism that was very strong throughout his life.

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